Most books for working mothers are earnest, serious guides with some usefull information, but lack the snark and praticality that today's overworked moms relate to. Marketing veterans Amy Eschliman and Leigh Oshirak know firsthand what a struggle it can be to hold down a stressful job while raising a family-and that sometimes the only way to preserve your sanity is with laughter. A survival guide for the rest of us, Balance is a Crock, Sleep is for the Weak is filled with bitterly funny topics like:
• Congratulations. Now, where do I slot "baby" in Outlook?
• Maternity Leave: Vacation or Hell?
• The Breastaurant is Open for Business: The pump and grind of nursing after you return to work.
• You Are Not Your Husband's Mother! and other time-sucking obligations.
• And more day-to-day advice for surviving the working-mommy trenches
Balance is a Crock, Sleep is for the Weak is the indispensable "what to expect when you're expected back at work" guide for working mothers or any woman considering returning to work after baby.
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